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 Interested in joining a group

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2 posters
Experienced Newbie
Experienced Newbie

Posts : 26
Join date : 2012-12-27
Location : Canada

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PostSubject: Interested in joining a group   Interested in joining a group EmptyTue 26 Nov - 10:54


Experienced C++ game developer, currently the Manager of a game development team for a small company.
we primarily focus on gambling games.

I have dabbled in Java for over a year now, picked it up when joining this forum last year.

I have already sold a java android product for 100k, so clearly I can write some java.

I have many interests and ideas and goals, but I lack some people.

I want some art, I want a creation pipeline, someone that can move the pixels.

I can pretty much code anything, Multiverse is a neat and fun platform and I would love to spend some time improving it further.
Perhaps you have ready my other posting about porting the message communication to a stand alone library that will enable a person to use multiverse platform with other rendering solutions.

I have also some other strong programmers available to me.

If you have a multiverse idea, and you can create the art, lets do this!
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Posts : 4
Join date : 2014-04-28
Location : Brazil

Interested in joining a group Empty
PostSubject: Re: Interested in joining a group   Interested in joining a group EmptyMon 28 Apr - 15:31

oldschool wrote:

Experienced C++ game developer, currently the Manager of a game development team for a small company.
we primarily focus on gambling games.

I have dabbled in Java for over a year now, picked it up when joining this forum last year.

I have already sold a java android product for 100k, so clearly I can write some java.

I have many interests and ideas and goals, but I lack some people.

I want some art, I want a creation pipeline, someone that can move the pixels.

I can pretty much code anything, Multiverse is a neat and fun platform and I would love to spend some time improving it further.
Perhaps you have ready my other posting about porting the message communication to a stand alone library that will enable a person to use multiverse platform with other rendering solutions.

I have also some other strong programmers available to me.

If you have a multiverse idea, and you can create the art, lets do this!
I'll necropost this cos I have a kind of ambitious idea I'd like to at least talk about with someone who's good with codes and whatnot :v

if you're still around, would be good. Smile

i'm a 3D artist and have some really basic notions of many script languages.. but really basic :p
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