looks like you have 2 issues, well 3 maybe,
First the PID errors happen when you try to start more than one instance of the server with out it being setup for instancing, Thus you need to find the process ids for all things running java which should only be the MV server and kill them all.
secondly, look in /usr/multiverse/logs and you will find all the logs for the processes , look at domain.out and check for excetptions, or just Grep for ERR and it will find every error in every log and list them.
an easy way to look at logs is to setup samba file sharing and map the directory /usr/multiverse as a network drive in windows and presto, you now have access to all things multiverse inside that directory via windows.
Third, In refrence to the PID problem, Installing webmin will make finding and killing those PIDs alot easyer as well as managing apache, and mysql. But with out specific info from your logs , we have no idea where to start.