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 Point me to a download of Multiverse any version that will run

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Join date : 2016-03-19
Location : North Idaho

Point me to a download of Multiverse any version that will run Empty
PostSubject: Point me to a download of Multiverse any version that will run   Point me to a download of Multiverse any version that will run EmptyTue 22 Mar - 5:33

I downloaded Multiverse about five days ago. I did some study before hand and went and found Python3.5 and loaded that on my computer and then loaded the Multiverse latest version and installed that as well. I also found a list of 3rd party software that was recommended to use with the Multiverse software and I downloaded and installed all of that as well.

I have as yet never been able to get the Multiverse to run, I click on the icon and nothing... I did find some sites where they said that you have add something to command line to get Multiverse to run is this correct and if so can I get a step by step instruction of how to go about doing this?

When I could not get Multiverse to run I downloaded some other engines and software, I now have the Panda3D, AGS and some other game engine platforms loaded on my computer, the one that I want to use though is the one that will not run at all.... Multiverse...

I will uninstall and go through any step by step process if anyone can give me a step by step process, if you do a step by step process, I mean every step as if you were programming it line by line into a computer it obviously is not as simple as download a copy of Multiverse and click install and then run the program. When I do that, I get nothing...
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Point me to a download of Multiverse any version that will run
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